The substrate is developed for printed circuit board (PCB) applications. The laminated pre-preg is biodegradable, reinforced, and flame-retarded. The novel material was developed to counter the increasing amount of e-waste and improve the microelectronics sector's sustainability. The motivation was to build a circuit in commercial complexity that can be implemented on a rigid substrate made of natural, bio-based materials at an early technological readiness level (TRL 2-3). The circuit design is based on the Arduino Nano open-source microcontroller board design. The demonstration can be programmable and easily fit into education, IoT applications, and embedded designs. The aspects of the assembly, quality, and reliability are assessed. The sustainability aspect will also be in focus; it was found that ~95vol% and ~90wt% of the traditional substrate can be substituted, significantly easing the load of waste on the environment and aiding multiple UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs).